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Friday, June 14, 2013

PAT Tips: Day 19

Language Arts:

The following site is from Alberta Education. It contains released PAT tests from previous years. This is the only place to find an example of a Social Studies PAT for Grade 6 as Social Studies has recently changed curriculum. Some of the same tests may be also found on Quest A Plus (but not Social).


Try the links below to practice working with and understanding graphs.


Important Vocabulary for Air and Aerodynamics:

Aerodynamics: The science of moving through air.

Air: An invisible mixture of gases which make up the Earth’s atmosphere.

Airfoil: A shape designed to provide lift when air flows around it (Example: airplane wing).

Air pressure: the force exerted on the surface of objects by the weight of air particles.

Air resistance: friction that slows down an object as it moves through air.

Bernoulli’s principle: When the speed is low (in water or air) the pressure is high. When the speed is high (in water or air) the pressure is low.

Compression: squeezing particles into a smaller space.

Drag: resistance or friction that slows down an object as it moves through a gas or liquid.

Expand: take up more room.

Glider: aircraft the flies without an engine (pilot finds updrafts of air to gain height and extend flight).

Gravity: force of attraction that every mass exerts on other masses.

Hovercraft: a machine that floats on a cushion of compressed air.

Jet engine: an engine that generates a powerful thrust through the explosion of burning fuel.

Lift: Upward force which acts against gravity (reducing air pressure on the top side of an airfoil).

Propeller: curved blade that when spun, forces an aircraft forward (a propeller is a twisted airfoil).

Oxidation: occurs when a substance combines with oxygen.

Rusting: a slow chemical reaction between metal (iron) and oxygen to form rust (iron oxide).

Streamlining: the shaping of an object so that a gas or liquid will move easily around it.

Thrust: The force that causes an object to move forward.

Weight: The force with gravity which pulls on an object.


The Athenian Courts:

Complaints about being wronged by someone or not acting in the best interest of society brought to magistrate (chosen by lottery and works for the courts). The person might be given a fine or go to trial.

Defendant is one accused (woman needed male citizen to speak for her), plaintiff is one who brings complaint, metics could be involved but not on jury, could speak until water clock ran out of water

Jury…men over 30, might be 501 to 1500 men large, chosen by lottery on the day of the trial to maintain fairness, would hear case and then vote on guilty or innocent then vote on punishment