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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

PAT Tips: Day 2

Language Arts:

Synecdoche (sa neck da key) is part of speech in which a term for a part of something is used to refer to the whole of something, or vice-versa. Huh? 
(We have not covered this yet but don't worry because, I am guessing, most adults do not know it either. It rarely shows up on a PAT question.)


"Get your butt in here!" doesn't mean just get your butt somewhere but get your whole body somewhere (part referring to the...nevermind).
"My dad bought me some new wheels." meaning a new car but the wheels are the part that is used to refer to the whole car.

Can you think of another example? Try it on your own first or ask a parent.


Place value of large numbers. Take the number 23.456789. If a number has a decimal point, the order of the numbers to the right of the decimal point is as follows: tenths (4 is in the tenths place), hundredths (5 is in the hundredths place), thousandths (6), ten thousandths (7), hundred thousandths (8), millionths (9) and so on. Keep in mind that there is no such thing as oneths and that the words on this side of the decimal place end in "ths".

Try this:


 The Nutrient Cycle is an important part in keeping forests healthy.

  1. Decomposers break down the dead matter from trees or animals break down plant leaves
  2. Nutrients are released back into the soil
  3. Roots of trees absorb the nutrients
  4. Nutrients travel up the trunk of the tree and are used as energy for growth.
  5. Consumers eat the leaves of trees or the dead leaves fall back to the ground and the cycle continues.


The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms includes many rights that all Canadians are entitled to. Two more rights are Democratic rights which are related to voting and how often governments must meet and Equality rights which are related to equal treatment under the the law and protection without discrimination.

Want to learn more:

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