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Monday, May 25, 2015

PAT Tips: Day 4

Language Arts:

When you see three dots (periods) together in writing ... it is called an ellipsis. An ellipsis is used for two main reasons. One, to show that some words have been left out. Two, to create a dramatic pause in the action.

Example 1: "Star Trek of the finest movies of the summer." (Originally the sentence was: "Star Trek is a great film and, I think, it is one of the finest movies of the summer.")

Example 2: "I ... can't ... go ... on," said the wounded warrior.


Prime factorization involves breaking down a composite number into the prime numbers that are factors of that number. We called them factor trees when we worked on it earlier in the year. At each level, the numbers multiply together to equal the top number. The tree is not done until the bottom row includes only prime numbers. This valuable skill is used in later grades

     30                       24
    /   \                      /   \
 5        6                 3     8
 /        /  \                /     /  \
5      2   3             3    2   4
                            /     /    /  \
                           3    2    2  2

Watch this:

Try this on your Mathletics account.


Time to get a Tree Cookie refresher:


The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms includes the rights as mentioned in earlier posts as well as certain fundamental freedoms
Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

(a) freedom of conscience and religion (free to follow any religion you choose)

(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication (free to your own thoughts and ideas and to speak your mind in media like newspapers and such)

(c) freedom of peaceful assembly (free to meet together with others in a peaceful way)

(d) freedom of association (free to be a part of any group you wish to be a part of)

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