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Friday, May 15, 2015

PAT Tips: Day 14

Language Arts:

This site looks promising. The content is mostly topics related to the United States and American history but it may help with your comprehension skills. Practice your reading comprehension here:


Probability refers to the chances or likelihood of an event happening. If I flip a coin, the probability of getting heads is the same as the probability of getting tails. You could say the probability is 1/2 or 50%. This is called theoretical probability. If I do a probability experiment by flipping a coin ten times and get 3 heads and 7 tails, then this is called experimental probability. The difference is that one explains what should happen (theoretical) and the other is what actually happened (experimental).

Watch this:

Try this:

And This:


The Sun is a star. It is the closest star to Earth and it is the heart of our solar system. All the planets in our solar system are affected by the Sun. The Sun provides heat and light energy. These energies help sustain life on Earth (think back to how the sun is needed for plants which are producers on the food chains and webs). 

The sun is a sphere object made up of the gases of helium and hydrogen. Nuclear fusion reactions inside the sun create its energy and this gives off light. The temperature inside is about 15 million degrees Celsius. The temperature at the surface is about 6000 degrees Celsius.

The only reason we are able to see anything including the planets, moons, comets, and asteroids are because of the light that is reflected from the sun’s light. The only light from the Earth would be man-made light and the light from fires or lightning.

Social Studies:

MLAs (Members of Legislative Assembly) are elected to run the province along with the premier (currently Alison Redford) who is in charge. This person is the leader of the political party (currently the Progressive Conservative Party) that has elected the most candidates in the different voting districts called constituencies


  • discuss bills (laws that are being considered) 
  • vote on these bills after reviewing them (called a reading) 3 times to become an act that is an official law 
  • make decisions for the constituents in their constituency or the people that live in their area

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