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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

PAT Tips: Day 16

Language Arts:


Perimeter of a rectangle (or the distance around an object) can be found by using the formula: length + width + length + width.

Area of a rectangle can be found using the formula: Length X Width = Area2
In this example, the length is 9 and the width is 4.
The perimeter is 9 + 4 + 9 + 4 = 26.
The area is 9 x 4 =36 units2. You could count the total squares here and find there are 36 squares.

Try this:


The order of the planets from closest to sun to farthest from sun is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. To help remember this you can remember the sentence, “My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nachos” which uses he first letter of each planet in the first letter of each word in the sentence. 

The 4 planets closest to the sun are solid and rocky and called the inner planets. 

Earth has an atmosphere which helps regulate the temperature on our planet so that it does not get too hot or too cold. 

The 4 planets farthest from the sun are made of gas and are called the outer planets. 

There is an asteroid belt between the Mars and Jupiter that helps to separate the inner from the outer.

Social Studies:

Official Opposition 

If you win the election in your constituency (area) but are not part of the party in charge then you become on opposition member. The current official opposition party is the Wildrose. The official opposition is basically the second place party in an election, which is the one that has elected the second most candidates in the different voting districts called constituencies.

The job of the opposition party is:
  • to make sure the government is doing the best job possible for the people that it represents 
  • to ask question and raise concerns if you see issues

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