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Sunday, May 10, 2015

PAT Tips: Day 18

Language Arts:

More tips from Alberta Education:

• Read all the choices and see which one best fits the answer.

• When you are not sure which answer is correct, cross out any choices that are wrong, and then select the best of the remaining choices.

• If time permits, recheck your answers.

Double-check to make sure that you have answered everything before handing in the test.

• Read the information given using the strategy that works best for you. You should either:

          – look at all the information and think carefully about it before you try to answer the questions OR

          – read the questions first and then look at the information, keeping in mind the questions you need to answer

• Make sure that you look at all forms of the information given. Information may be given in many forms, such as words, charts, pictures, graphs, maps, or cartoons.
• When information is given for more than one question, go back to the information before answering each question.


Translations (slides), rotations (turns), and reflections (flips) are three types of transformations or movements in geometry.


Try this:

Some things that tire tracks may tell investigators are:
  • The brand of the tire
  • The width of the tire
  • The type of vehicle that uses this tire
  • The style of tire (winter tires, all season tires, off road tires, racing tires, and so on)
  • The wear patterns of the tire
  • Distinguishing nicks or cuts in the tread of the tire
  • Timeline of when the tracks were made
  • Soil that may have been transferred by the tracks from another site
  • Direction of movement
  • Speed of movement
Tire tracks are very useful at car accident scenes because investigators can tell how long someone held down the brakes based on the skid mark length. This can also help investigators determine the speed of the vehicle when it started to hit the brakes. They can also get information about how much the driver attempted to swerve around (or into) an accident scene.

Social Studies:
Council of 500:
  • Full time government (boule), term of 1 year
  • 10 tribes, 50 members from each tribe (served for 1 tenth of the year) = 500 
  • Chosen by lottery
  • Could serve only twice in a lifetime, 
  • Chairman in charge for only 24 hours
  • Discussed decrees and voted on them and then presented them to Assembly for approval

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