Blog Archive

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

PAT Tips: Day 9

Language Arts:

Personification is when something that is not human (an animal or a non-living thing) is given human characteristics. This is done by writers to help paint an interesting picture for the reader.

The sun winked at me from behind the clouds.
The leaves danced happily in the breeze.

Make up some of your own now.


We will be covering this material in the coming week:

Polygons are closed shapes made with straight line segments that do not intersect.
Non-polygons may have curved lines,  may be an open shape, and/ or may have intersecting lines.

Regular polygons have all equal angles, and all equal side lengths like a square or equilateral triangle or stop sign.
Irregular polygons do not have equal angles or side lengths.

Congruent means identical shape and size.
Concave is when part of the polygon goes inward like a dent.
Convex is when all of the polygon goes outward.

Try this (but you better be fast!):


The Sun as we know it in our solar system is but one of billions of stars located in the Milky Way galaxy.

The stars visible in our night sky all belong to our galaxy, and it wasn’t until the early 1900’s that the galaxies outside of our own were discovered.

The Milky Way contains billions of stars along with the possibility of numerous solar systems in orbit around those stars.

Galaxies contain billions of stars and a large amount of interstellar matter (planets, comets, asteroids, moons, etc.) but the vast space between galaxies is cold, dark, and void of any particles.

Watch this:

Social Studies:

School boards look after schools and education in a local area. The provincial government decides what needs to be taught and provides money to school boards so they can support the schools. School boards have people called trustees who are elected every three years to make sure the school division runs smoothly. The trustees try to identify a good candidate to lead the school board and hire this person to be a superintendent. The superintendent is NOT elected.

Students have a choice to go to public schools or private schools. There are public schools for certain religions like the Calgary Catholic School Board, French schools, First Nations schools and special focus charter schools.

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