Blog Archive

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

PAT Tips: Day 10

Language Arts:

Alliteration is the repeating of consonant sounds in words that are grouped together in writing.

Sibley's spectacular students...
...bouncing baby boy...

Check this out:


  • scalene triangle - no equal angles, no equal side lengths
  • isosceles triangle– 2 equal angles, 2 equal side lengths
  • equilateral triangle – all equal angles (60°), all equal side lengths
  • right triangle – one angle that equals 90°
  • obtuse triangle – one angle is obtuse (greater than 90° but less than 180°)
  • acute triangle – all angles are acute (less than 90°)
Retro video clip:


  • Waxing is when the moon appears to grow larger in size.
  • Waning is when the moon appears to become smaller in size.
  • Crescent is a curved shape that is smaller than a semi-circle.
  • Gibbous is a curved shape that is larger than a semi-circle but smaller than a full circle.

Social Studies:

What are the duties of a school board trustee?

  • make decisions about services and programming
  • make decisions about school building and student transportation
  • listen to people’s complaints and make fair judgements
  • make sure the provincial curriculum is taught
  • decide how the budget is spent
  • listen to what people think is important for their children’s education
  • make rules and policies for schools

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